Brantley and I have been writing new songs lately.

Actually, this guy is ALWAYS writing new songs.

I on occasion add a chorus or a verse, but rarely do we both sit down and write together.

We've written three new songs over the last month, they aren't exactly where we want them to be so I'm only posting one that probably won't change too much.  The most frustrating aspect about writing and recording (at home) is that WE don't have a full band.  The songs end up feeling sort of empty in my opinion because it's a home recording (garage band), my voice and Brantley's guitar.  There is much missing.  One day we will record this song with a few other instruments!  In the meantime, here is what we have.

Acoustic Version.


Electric version.  Full disclosure: We recorded this at 3A last Saturday night after whiskey & champagne.


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Brantley and I have been writing new songs lately.

Actually, this guy is ALWAYS writing new songs.

I on occasion add a chorus or a verse, but rarely do we both sit down and write together.

Happy New Year!!  Yeah.  Yeah.  I know I'm a few weeks late.

I had two weeks away from work over the Holidays!  Thank GOD!  I was pretty much burned out on everything including getting out of bed.

You're invited to our housewarming/holiday party.  

Please read below!

The theme is 2012 infused with the 1960s.

Think Soho and Greenwich Village in the early 60s.

These images are to help guide your fashion decisions for our holiday party - next Saturday.


When does life not get in the way of living?  When do you make decisions based on what you really want and not what you really need?  Patience is a virtue, I remind myself.  Yet, all I've done is wait.  Perhaps that is the problem of my youth.  I waited.

Yesterday, I deleted my Facebook page!!!  Let me re-phrase.  I deactivated my page. 

I had a semi-creepster comment on practically all of my photos.


I saw Fleet Foxes in the flesh at the Tabernacle on Saturday!!!!!!!

I am still high from the experience.  No joke.  It will go on the memory trophy shelf in my brizain.


Hello World:

I would like to introduce you all to a song that Brantley & I wrote like the fifth time we hung out.  Ha! Yes, I said the fifth time we hung out.  I'm a dork.  I sorta remember those things - Cheeeeesy.



It's been 8 days since my last post which means I've been busy.

I've been wanting to post this for the last week but haven't so here goes...

I hate covering songs.  Well, I shouldn't say that I hate it.  But, it has become quite painful for me.


I find myself to be down more than up. Other days, I'm up more than down.  Do you ever feel it's never good enough? Like when life presents itself, you look the other way?  In search for something. Something more. Something dark.  Something real. Maybe inside of you? Something in the air.

Last Night was a sad night for my family.  We met at La Parilla for my Brother and Re-Re's bon-voyage dinner. For the record, the ll's are silent in Parilla and I think there is supposed to be another r in there as well but don't quote me.  Back to Rebecka and Freddy...


I was fortunate enough to meet the four piece string band, BrownChicken BrownCow, last September.  My friends, Kristen and Jeremy Hester got hitched and called on BCBC  for entertainment.  Brantley and I were playing music for the wedding as well, so we were thrown into a "Hi, nice to meet you.


Finding balance is like mastering the art of a tedious craft.  How can I master all the pieces of myself?



-Creative Outlets


-Social life

blah blah blah.  You get it.  I'm sure.

I find myself to be halfhearted in many aspects of my life.


When I was about five years old I became very ill with pneumonia.  It was the night before Easter Sunday.  I was shivering and sweating in my little twin bed.  I remember my mother, grandmother and father at bedside.


Today I was thinking about how dull we all are as a human race.  Everything has already been done.  Everything has already been said.  Originality is practically obsolete.  Or am I wrong?  I think that we are all essentially doing the same things over and over.


I started a new book this weekend.  

I knew I would love it before turning to the first page because Johnny Depp was quoted on the back of the book.  He told me it was a treasure and a privilege to read.  I trust Johnny Depp with my life as I'm sure you do.


I have a seven year old daughter.  Her name is Ella.

Her nickname is Booshka.

I was 20 years plus four days old when Ella exited my womb, makes me cringe just thinking about it.  I had no clue about being a mother.  I could barely stand on my own feet.  I hadn't started college.


Some people talk, blog, journal to make sense of their head and all it's belongings.  I really don't do anything to make sense of myself.  I tend to ignore. I equate it to having bad organizational skills.

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